Monday, October 24, 2011

First Timer...

So while I was flipping through some of my old friends facebook profiles, and then clicking on some of their friends, I stumbled across someone with a blog.  I looked at the blog and read a few of her posts and thought to myself, "what a wonderful idea, I should start a blog!"  Now, I have come up with this idea once before and it was disastrous.  Lets just say I never even wrote one post!  I don't think I liked the set up or the whole website for that matter very much.   So this go round, I googled blogs and came up with several sites, but I wanted mine to be a reflection of me.  Not many sites let you customize your blog without paying some sort of ridiculous money except this one.  I like that I can not only share my thoughts but also decorate my page, because i love decorating and it shows my personality a little.I'm not really sure how I should start this off, or what I should say, but I am doing my best here- so give me a break.  I know that if I do not make a commitment to this blog right now this will end up being the only post on here ever.  So here is my commitment - I will write on here AT LEAST once a week, maybe more if I'm needing an outlet.  I plan on using this to keep track of my thoughts and my life, to share my thoughts and life with you all, and as an outlet to just let my thoughts fall into.
I think for this blog I will tell you some simple facts about myself just so in the future you can see who or what I may be referring to:
I'm Holly!

This is Mom and Dad.
Family (minus dad)
L to R: Mom, Me, Emily (cousin), P, Mimi, Aunt Beth, Uncle Kerry

My boyfriend is Josh

I have two roommates Lauren and Kaitlin

Some of my best friends are Stephanie (top right), Heather (top middle), Lauren (same as the one above), Kathleen (bottom right)

I have a sister (Jennifer), brother (Ben), and sister-in-law (Sundy).

I have a dog (Mollie) and a cat (Tiger Lilly - but usually referred to as Tiger or Cat)

I'm a sophomore at Georgia Southern University.

That's about all I can come up with for now.  See you next blog.

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