Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 26 & 27

Day 26 - Picture of your family

Day 27 - Pets

Tiger Lily

Maggie (died 2009)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 25 - Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

  1. The Story of Us - Taylor Swift
  2. Better Than Her - Matisse
  3. You Belong with Me - Taylor Swift
  4. Better With the Lights Off - New Boyz
  5. Drunk On You - Luke Bryan
  6. Leave (Get Out) - JoJo
  7. Our Kind of Love - Lady Antebellum
  8. What Do You Want - Jerrod Niemann
  9. Secrets - OneRepublic
  10. Liar Liar - NeverShoutNever!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 24 - Something you've learned

I've learned several things throughout life.  Some are things that people have told me, others are things I've had to learn the hard way.  The hard way is not my favorite but that's usually how it happens because I don't always listen to what other people tell me.  Something I've learned recently is that you have to move on from things.  You can't dwell on the past or what was.  You have to make the best of what you've got and live in the present.  It's unhealthy and unsatisfying to dwell on things and live in the past.  My boyfriend, Josh, is the person that taught me this.  He has been trying to tell me this for a really long time because I could never move on from anything.  If something bad happened, I couldn't think about or concentrate on anything else.  It aggravated him so much because it brought me down.  I wouldn't be the person I wanted to be.  I would hold whatever happened against whoever did it and be mad until the next bad thing happened.  Recently I've realized that he's right.  Things are going to happen all the time that I don't like, but it's out of my control.  I have to accept it and move on with other things in life.  There is no need in wasting my time on something that isn't really going to affect my future or that doesn't really matter.  I've just got to live life and enjoy what is happening NOW.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

playing catch up... again.

These past two weeks I've been forgetting to blog! I've just been so busy with break and everything! But I am making it up!! So here are the last couple I missed!!

Day 21 - Picture of yourself

This is me at the Auburn vs Georgia football game

Day 22 - Favorite city
Hmm, favorite city...  I haven't really ever put that much though into a "favorite" city but here goes...
I have to pick two because I can't make it just one.  The first would be Destin.  I went there last year with my sister and sister in law and we enjoyed it so much.  We went to the beach a lot but there was still other things to do.  We were never bored and could always find something to entertain us.  We ate some good meals in some nice restaurants.  It was too short of a trip and we definitely could have used a few more days to spend on the beach and maybe even shop a little.  I would definitely enjoy going again.
Secondly I love Pigeon Forge.  Mom, if you're reading this I know I complain about Pigeon Forge but you can only go there so many years in a row.  I feel like in Pigeon Forge there is never a dull moment, and if you think there is then you must be missing out on something.  My family has gone there several times for family vacations and we have never run out of things to do. 

Day 23 - Favorite vacation
My favorite vacation has to be my Alaskan Cruise this summer.  It was so much fun and something so different!  (Look in one of the earlier challenges to read more about it)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 20 - Nicknames

Hey! So I remembered to blog today! :)  Today's topic is nicknames, I'm not sure where I'm going to go with that but here is goes:
  • HollyMo: Originated in 2006.  This nickname came about when I was writing a note to someone and when I was signing my name on it the bell rang for class to be dismissed. I didn't finish writing my name and completely forgot.  So when he read it he began to call me Holly Mo and it stuck.  I was called that all through high school and even occasionally today.
  • Holly Wolly
  • Holls: This was my nickname in middle school.  Almost everyone called me that and I still get called that by random people today.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I got behind again! My bad.  So today will be three challenges like last post.

Day 17 - Something you're looking forward to

I think the biggest thing I'm looking forward too that's coming up soon is Christmas Break!  I'm sooo ready for this semester to be over.  It started out going by so fast but recently it has slowed way down and I just can't take it anymore!  But only two weeks and then it will be Christmas break!  And soon after Jennifer will be down for Christmas! (:  I'm just ready for a break and some family and friend time!  It will be nice to get away from Statesboro for a little bit and relax.

Day 18 - Something you regret

Hmmm, something I regret.  This is a tough topic.  I mean there have always been times when I think wow I shouldn't have said/done that, but in the end it's all worked out.  It happened for a reason and I probably learned a lesson from it if it was a mistake.  I guess I would say that as unbelievable as it may be that I don't regret anything.  Part of that is because once a few years ago I read a quote that said "Don't regret anything because at one time that's what made you happy."  And that is so completely true.  I've lived by that quote ever since.  There are things that sometimes I wish I wouldn't have gone through or had to learn from.  But in the end it's all made me who I am today and the things that will make me who I am in the future.  I have always been happy with how things have ended up and can truly say that I don't regret anything!

Day 19 - Something you miss

Something I miss is my family!  Lately I've been missing like my whooole family.  I have been busy with school and stuff and haven't had much time to go home or spend with the family.  And I miss my out of town family too!  I haven't seen most of them since summer.  I just saw my sister for the first time in what was almost a year!  I just wish there was more time to spend with them and not everyone was so far away.  But I guess I will hopefully see some of them for the holidays soon!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Catching up...

Since I missed Monday and Tuesday's challenges I figured I would catch up today.
Day 14 - A picture you love

Day 15 - Bible verse

1 Corinthians 13

 1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Day 16 - Dream house
Its pretty hard to show a picture of your dream house, but I would like to think it would look something like this:
Things I want in my dream house:
  • Front porch
  • Back porch with a swing and a view where I can sit and drink my morning coffee with my loving husband.
  • A beautiful master bed and bath
  • A big kitchen
  • Entertaining space
  • Two bedrooms for my kids
  • Guest Bedrooms
  • Beautiful dining room
Well thats it! I'll try to keep up better now. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 13 - Goals

Life is marked by goals.  You make so many goals throughout your life and whether you meet them or not they were something you aspired to have or you still aspire to have.  Your life timeline might be marked by the goals you have reached, or what you aspire to reach in the future.  No matter who you are you have goals whether its to remember to do your homework, to lose 10 pounds, or to be a doctor.  There are goals in everyone's life and here are some of mine.  (Some are serious, some are silly)

1. My number one goal right now is to graduate college and do it on time.  College is a huge part of your life and it prepares you for the real world.  As of now I am on track to graduate and I will continue to be, unless I declare a minor (which is something I've seriously been considering).

2. Next, I would love to have a job that I enjoy.  A job takes up so much of your time, I don't want to be stuck doing something that make me unhappy the rest of my life.  I want to be happy with my job.

3.  Getting married and having kids.  I think this is a goal in most people's lives.  I would love to get married and have a beautiful family.

4. Make a difference in someone's life.

5. Travel to Europe, Australia, and other foreign countries.

6. Have fun vacations with my siblings, Jennifer and Jamie(hopefully make him part of the fam one day!), and Ben and Sundy. Maybe to some very fun places!

7. Make good grades throughout my college career and keep the HOPE scholarship.

8. Get toned!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 12 - What you believe

"What I believe", what does that really mean?  Are there are no specifics in what I'm going to write? How can I begin writing without an actual topic?  I guess I will just list a few things I believe.

  • I believe in God and Jesus Christ.
  • I believe in love.
  • I believe in best friends.
  • I believe in family.
  • I believe life's too short for regrets and to worry about the small stuff.
  • I believe you should live life to its fullest degree.
  • I believe in giving it your all even when you don't feel like you can.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11 - Favorite tv shows

I don't really watch very many tv shows that I keep up with.  Usually when I watch tv I just watch whatever is on! But these are the shows I love to watch, even though Friends is over I still watch it every night before I go to bed.  And I am pretty upset that One Tree Hill will be over after next season! I'll have to find something new to watch.
One Tree Hill

Keeping Up with the Kardashians

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 10 - Something you're afraid of

Hmmm, something I'm afraid of?... I'm not afraid of anything! Haha, just kidding I'm afraid of several things, just the usual though nothing too out of the ordinary.  But one thing I'm really afraid of is spiders!  They scare the beejesus outta me!!  They are small and not easily seen so they can be sneaky.  And I don't like sneaky!  They can get in your house and crawl around on their little legs!  One time I killed a spider and a bunch of baby spiders came out.  I screamed bloody murder!  Another time I was laying in bed and my friend was like 'hey don't freak out, but there's a spider in your hair..."  My dad is just as afraid as I am so I can't even rely on him to come to my room and kill them for me!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 9 - A picture of your friends

I don't have just ONE picture of everyone together.  So here are a few so I can include everyone that deserves to be included (:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 8 - A place you've traveled to

A place I've traveled to is Alaska!  I went there over the summer with my family for my grandparents 50th anniversary and our annual family vacations.  It was amazing!  It was so great to have family time, but also to experience such a beautiful place.  Alaska is unlike anything I've seen before and I was mesmerized by the glaciers, mountains, and scenery.  This is probably one of my favorite family vacations we've had over the years and would definitely like to go back sometime.  It would have been pretty cool to have seen a puffin, bear, moose, or some other unusual animal but maybe next time!  We did some pretty awesome things on this trip.  We were on a cruise through Alaska so it wasn't like we only got to see one place, but several and some were very different than others.  One really cool and favorite thing we did was zip line through the Alaskan Canopy.  I loved it; and almost the whole family did it, except P.  We also saw the Mendenhall Glacier (pictured above) and the Hubbard Glacier.  The Hubbard Glacier was amazing! It was so huge and it was so cool to watch the huge chunks of ice fall off.  We traveled through Juneau, Skagway, Anchorage, and several other places.  We took pretty much every form of transportation: a car, a bus, a trolley, a train, an airplane, and whatever else I've left out!  It was an amazing trip with my amazing family. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7 - Favorite movies

I have several favorite movies but I am going to shorten the list as best as I can.  I love everything from disney to chick flicks to romantic comedies to scary! Here are my favorite movies, in no particular order:


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 6 - A picture of something that makes you happy

I couldn't pick just one picture because I don't have a picture of the most important things that make me happy all in one.  So here's a few pictures of the things that make me happy.
My Family

More Family

My Boyfriend

My Siblings

The Girls

These are all the things that make me very happy! I have the best family, boyfriend, siblings, and friends a girl could ask for.  I wouldn't want them any other way and I love them all to death!! (:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 5 - Your siblings

To my mom I'm an only child, to my dad I'm one of three.  That's the beauty of half brothers and sisters.  I get the advantages of being an only child but I still get to have brothers and sisters to talk to and confide in.  I have a brother, Ben; a sister, Jennifer; and a sister in law, Sundy.  I love them all to death and couldn't imagine my life without them.

These are my sisters.
Jennifer (in the middle) has been everything from my babysitter, to big sis, to advice giver, to therapist, and anything else you can think of.  She has been there through thick and then and even though we have a pretty big age difference we've grown much closer as I've grown and matured.  Jennifer helps me handle a lot of  situations because she's usually been there before.  She knows exactly what to say and encourages me to do what I want and to say what needs to be said.  We've been through sooo much together and I can not imagine life without her.  Who else would have been my babysitter, watched barney over and over again, talk me into washing my hair when I was little, be my best friend, be my big sister, and help me keep going when I'm down?

Sundy (to the left) has been part of the family for four years now and as far as I'm concerned she should have just been part of the family all along!  I was ecstatic the day my brother called me and said he had asked Sundy to marry him.  She is the sweetest! Sundy has always fit right in with the family and been happy to become part of ours.  I'm always calling her to catch up and talk about everything.  She is so supportive and wants to help you accomplish whatever you want.  Sundy is so great, and without her who else would keep my brother in line? :)

I can't even believe I found a sort of recent picture of us, Ben hates pictures.
Ben is my big brother and he does all the duties of that job just fine, maybe even a little too good! He may have been a little disappointed I was a girl, and said I looked like an alien in the sonogram pictures, but I know he loves me all the same.  Ben and I don't talk super often, but when we do we're usually laughing and trying to catch up on lots of things very quickly.  We enjoy all the time we spend together even though it's only a couple times a year.  During his summer visits we like to drive to the beach so we can sit there for 30 minutes until Ben gets bored and we leave so we go to Willie's his favorite! Ben is very good at being protective, but at least I know he's always got my back no matter who it is.  But he does like to try to scare my boyfriends away by telling them he's been to prison, which no one believes anyway!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 4 - Your parents

My mom and dad. 

I'd have to say my parents are pretty great most of the time.  My mom is one of my best friends, she helps me through the snags and glitches in my life.  My mom has always has my back.  We've always been really close, I don't really remember a time when we weren't.  I think we'll always be close because I couldn't really imagine if we weren't.  We enjoy all the time we spend together even if we're just sitting on the couch watching tv.  Some of our best past times are the homecoming/prom shopping, I wish we still got to go on those trips.  They were so much fun, even if I couldn't find a single dress.  When I left for school I called my mom everyday, I missed her so much and didn't really know what to do on my own.  This year I may not call her everyday, but I usually text if I don't call.  Its strange to go from seeing/talking everyday and then barely at all.  But I miss her and enjoy spending my weekends at home with her.  I love my mom!

My dad is a pretty cool guy usually.  He is passionate about everything he does, which has shown me that I need to be passionate about what I do in life.  We don't really hang out much because we are usually both busy when the other is free or just can't catch each other at a good time, but I do enjoy the little time we spend together.  I know sometimes my dad is hard on me, and I usually don't like it when he is.  But I know later in life I'll really appreciate it; I know he's hard on me because he just wants me to do my best and get everything I can out of life.  He makes me work hard, but it will be worth it in the end.  I look to dad when I need help in school because he's basically a genius, which sometimes confuses/throws me off.  I don't always know what he's talking about when he's explaining something, and sometimes it comes to a point when I just nod my head and say ok even though I have no idea whats going on.  I always have a great time with dad when we go fishing! That's his favorite and I enjoy going cause its fun, nice to spend time with him, and I can work on my tan all at the same time!  I love my dad!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3 - Your first love

My first love, hmmmm.. a simple question and yet so complicated at the same time.  I have loved many people and many things, but I'm going to change the subject to my first real, true, head over heels, crazy kind of love, because I can do that and I think that subject describes much more the story I am about to tell and how I feel.  I think there are many different kinds of love: friendship love, family love, teenage love, and real true crazy for you kind of love.  I have experienced all these things.  To say I have not "loved" before would be a lie, but I have not ever loved in this way before.
Lets begin with a short little story:
The summer I graduated I was completely totally against having a boyfriend.  This was MY summer; my summer to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and not have to worry about anyone but myself.  I had crushes through the summer, went on a few dates here and there but nothing was going to change my mind that I was single until I went off to college.  Well of course, I had to be proved wrong, because if I wasn't there just wouldn't be a point.  In about the middle of the summer I met a boy, I didn't really notice him at first to be honest, but he was there.  And when his date fell through for a wedding of my friend's brother, this guy asked me to be his date.  I thought of this date in the most innocent way, because we really hadn't even hung out or anything for that matter.  The wedding festivities came and went, but when I left the day after the wedding (for vacation) I got a text saying "You didn't even tell me bye" from my wedding date.  I apologized, he forgave me, and we texted like our fingers were going to fall off for the next seven days.  During our texting he told me that when I came home he would really like to take me to dinner.  At this point I was not so sure about this guy, I meant I didn't even really know him and I hadn't heard the greatest of things about him.  But I thought to myself "What do I have to lose?"  So I went on the date and well here we are a year and 4 months later.  I'm head over heels, crazy in love with that same guy!
He completely proved me wrong, I never thought that our long distance (only from Statesboro to Savannah but still) relationship would work out, especially for nine months!  But we made it through it.  This is the most different kind of love I have ever experienced.  I didn't even  really think that this kind of love existed.  I have never been more comfortable, more in love, or felt like someone knew me any better than this.  It is the craziest, (at times) scariest, best feeling I've ever known and to know he loves me the same way back makes it all the more amazing!
But it's like I said earlier I'm not saying I have never "loved" before, because I'm not really sure what kind of love this is referring to and even so those others loves I have mentioned are so mediocre compared to this love.  Those other loves they come and go, but this kind of love could change how you feel forever.  I feel that saying I am just in love would be an understatement, it's much much more than that.  That is why I changed it to my first real, head over heels, crazy in love kind of love

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2 - Meaning behind your blog name

When I first created my blog I tried to come up with a creative blog name.  I researched different blog name generators and cute blog names, but I didn't like anything.  I wanted something that described my blog and myself, but nothing seemed right.  I thought about using "Confessions of a College Kid" because that describes exactly what this blog is about.  Then I found that name to be too complex, I'm a very simple kind of girl.  So now my blog name is Holly Morgan, because well that's my name and this is my blog and that's all there really is to it.  There isn't any hidden meaning or cutesy name.  Just my first and my middle name.  I love my name and wouldn't want to be named anything else.  Except I wish that maybe it would have been a double name, you know like everyone would have called me Holly Morgan instead of just Holly.  But it's okay, I use my middle name with a lot of things and this blog is one of them.  So to answer the challenge simply, my blog name is Holly Morgan because that's my name and this blog is about me, so why the heck not?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So since I'm new to this whole thing and kind of need something to get me into the habit of getting on here I'm going to do a blog challenge. Hopefully it will be interesting and it will organize my random thoughts that I'm sharing!

Here's what to expect

Day 1 - Introduce yourself, recent picture, 15 interesting facts
Day 2 - Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3 - Your first love
Day 4 - Your parents
Day 5 - Your siblings
Day 6 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7 - Favorite movies
Day 8 - A place you've traveled to
Day 9 - A picture of your friends
Day 10 - Something you're afraid of
Day 11 - Favorite tv shows
Day 12 - What you believe
Day 13 - Goals
Day 14 - A picture you love
Day 15 - Bible verse
Day 16 - Dream house
Day 17 - Something you're looking forward to
Day 18 - Something you regret
Day 19 - Something you miss
Day 20 - Nicknames
Day 21 - Picture of yourself
Day 22 - Favorite city
Day 23 - Favorite vacation
Day 24 - Something you've learned
Day 25 - Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26 - Picture of your family
Day 27 - Pets
Day 28 - Something that stresses you out
Day 29 - 3 Wishes
Day 30 - a picture

DAY 1: Introduce yourself, recent picture, 15 interesting facts

I'm Holly!

This picture is fairly recent. It's of me and my roommate Lauren, that's her on the right, from the first game day this year!


1. My birthday is January 18. Next year I will be 20, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I feel like everyone around me is in this huge rush to grow up and get on with life, but I'm not at all. I could be a teenager forever. These teenage years have been amazing and I can only hope that my twenties will be even better!

2. I go to Georgia Southern University! I loove it. I attended Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah last year and did not enjoy myself at all. I can't imagine what it would have been like if I would have gone to Augusta State University as planned. I changed my mind like two weeks before school started and got into Armstrong. I met a couple of great friends at Armstrong, but it just wasn't where I wanted to be.

3. I have 3 siblings - a half brother, a half sister, and a sister-in-law. They all may as well be blood because I love them all to death! We may be a few years apart (like 5 - 10 years), but have become much closer lately. It makes me so happy! I get the joy of being an only child and its like a bonus brother and sister (:

4. I love being from Brunswick/St. Simons. I know so many of my friends just want to get away from there, but I'm not sure where I would rather live. There may not be much to do, but that probably keeps some people out of trouble. Also, I love the fact that the beach is not far out of reach! (ha, that rhymes). I'm certainly glad to get out of Brunswick for a little bit while I'm in college, but sometimes I miss it. And I'm pretty sure that unless life takes me elsewhere I will be back in Brunswick after I graduate and get a "real" job (whatever that is).

5. Speaking of "real" jobs, I recently declared myself a Public Relations major. Its very exciting and terrifying at the same time!! I'm not one of those people that's know their whole life exactly what I've wanted to do. I'm pretty sure I was one of those people that changed their mind every year. I've wanted to be several things - from a fashion designer to a teacher, to a chef, to a interior designer, and probably many other things that I will never remember! But I'm trying very hard to have faith that this is the right major for me! I just want to be able to do something that will make me happy! (:

6. Sometimes I would rather curl up in a blanket and watch movies or read a book than go out and play. I enjoy relaxing and the quiet. Or even just have a friend over to watch movies or talk with. I think that's fun, especially when I just need a friend or someone to hang out with.

7. I've recently been converted into an Auburn fan by my sister. I mean its not really her fault but I probably wouldn't have ever watched them if she didn't go to college there and continue on to work there. But I loove them!, much more than the Bulldogs. (But don't hold that against me)

8. I'm not particularly one for change. I enjoy changing things up once in a while, but I don't like BIG changes. Big changes kind of scare me, I mean think about it most of the big changes are pretty scary - going to college, graduating and getting a job!, moving out completely, getting married, having kids. I think all of these things are sooooo exciting, but at the same time it scares me. I know I will enjoy it all and be happy in the end, it's just getting there that's the problem.

9. I like spicy anything just about. My dad is crazy about hot stuff, and since I was raised that way I am too! It really freaks my roommates out, but I eat jalapenos and texas pete on just about everything - well everything its good on at least!

10. I have a few best friends - I was really nervous that when we all parted ways and went to different colleges that we wouldn't keep in touch, but the ones that have kept in touch have shown me that we are true friends. Even if there may have been an argument or falling out - we've managed to fix it and keep on going and that means soooo much to me. I'm proud to call these girls my best friends.

11. My mom is also one of my best friends - she had helped me through pretty much everything in my life. I love her so much. She's always proud of me or trying to help me get to where I want to be. We fought sometimes when I still lived at home - but isn't that always expected of a teenager and her mother? Even though we've said a few mean things nothing could ever change our relationship/friendship.

12. I really enjoy reading quotes! I love to read one that is explaining exactly what is going on in my life or exactly how I feel about something. Sometimes reading a quote gives me an answer to something I've been thinking about or shows me something I didn't even notice.
13. I have a really funny laugh, except I don't laugh just one way. All the ways I laugh are pretty funny and my boyfriend makes fun of me ALL the time for it. I have to say they are kinda funny and I think they get worse with time...

14. I have two pet peeves that will drive me crazier than anything! One being people with no manners. Maybe it's just because I'm a southern girl but I believe that everyone should have manners and if you don't learn some! I hate to listen to disrespectful people and definitely don't enjoy it when people disrespect me. Two, people that don't pick up their feet when they walk. I know that y'all have the capability to pick up your feet enough that it doesn't make that awful shuffling sound. There is no reason you shouldn't!

15. I love my life and am trying to live it to the fullest! I try not to let things get me down and when they do I try to find something to occupy my mind and distract me. I'm trying to be more optimistic these days like I was when I was young and didn't know any better.