Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3 - Your first love

My first love, hmmmm.. a simple question and yet so complicated at the same time.  I have loved many people and many things, but I'm going to change the subject to my first real, true, head over heels, crazy kind of love, because I can do that and I think that subject describes much more the story I am about to tell and how I feel.  I think there are many different kinds of love: friendship love, family love, teenage love, and real true crazy for you kind of love.  I have experienced all these things.  To say I have not "loved" before would be a lie, but I have not ever loved in this way before.
Lets begin with a short little story:
The summer I graduated I was completely totally against having a boyfriend.  This was MY summer; my summer to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and not have to worry about anyone but myself.  I had crushes through the summer, went on a few dates here and there but nothing was going to change my mind that I was single until I went off to college.  Well of course, I had to be proved wrong, because if I wasn't there just wouldn't be a point.  In about the middle of the summer I met a boy, I didn't really notice him at first to be honest, but he was there.  And when his date fell through for a wedding of my friend's brother, this guy asked me to be his date.  I thought of this date in the most innocent way, because we really hadn't even hung out or anything for that matter.  The wedding festivities came and went, but when I left the day after the wedding (for vacation) I got a text saying "You didn't even tell me bye" from my wedding date.  I apologized, he forgave me, and we texted like our fingers were going to fall off for the next seven days.  During our texting he told me that when I came home he would really like to take me to dinner.  At this point I was not so sure about this guy, I meant I didn't even really know him and I hadn't heard the greatest of things about him.  But I thought to myself "What do I have to lose?"  So I went on the date and well here we are a year and 4 months later.  I'm head over heels, crazy in love with that same guy!
He completely proved me wrong, I never thought that our long distance (only from Statesboro to Savannah but still) relationship would work out, especially for nine months!  But we made it through it.  This is the most different kind of love I have ever experienced.  I didn't even  really think that this kind of love existed.  I have never been more comfortable, more in love, or felt like someone knew me any better than this.  It is the craziest, (at times) scariest, best feeling I've ever known and to know he loves me the same way back makes it all the more amazing!
But it's like I said earlier I'm not saying I have never "loved" before, because I'm not really sure what kind of love this is referring to and even so those others loves I have mentioned are so mediocre compared to this love.  Those other loves they come and go, but this kind of love could change how you feel forever.  I feel that saying I am just in love would be an understatement, it's much much more than that.  That is why I changed it to my first real, head over heels, crazy in love kind of love

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