Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's in my purse?

My purse and bookbag are my basically my lifeline during school semesters.  So for this blog I will list what is in my purse and bookbag.

  • wallet
  • pen
  • keys
  • hairclips
  • chapstick
  • lipgloss
  • headband

  • rainjacket
  • binder 
  • pens
  • umbrella
  • pencils
  • snacks for between classes

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5 Ways to Win My Heart

So I know that I already blogged today about the bachelorette but today will just have to be a double whammy!  Y'all just be glad I'm making time to do this :).

Today's Challenge is 5 ways to win my heart!

  1. Write me a handwritten love letter: I love a love letter, but whats better is when it's handwritten.  Love letters are a perfect way to pour your feelings out without forgetting anything you may have wanted to say.  They are sweet and romantic and probably a way to get into any girls heart!  Handwritten makes it just that much more romantic.  I don't like typed as much because I see that everyday with texting or email.  If you are going to type it then why not email it? There is just something about a handwritten love letter/note that just makes my heart melt.
  2. Make me a homecooked meal:  What's better than a homecooked meal? When you get to watch your sexy boyfriend cook it!  That's what!  I love to watch Josh cook me dinner.  It makes me feel so loved and I love that he can cook!  I'm not trying to be lazy by any means, but there just those days when you don't feel like cooking.  For one of our first dates Josh cooked me dinner and it was amazing!  He made me pasta with chicken, bacon, and alfredo sauce.  I loved it and was very impressed with his cooking skills!
  3. Watch "my shows" and chick flicks with me :) : These are times when I enjoy having someone to sit and cuddle with.  I love to watch One Tree Hill, The Bachelorette, Pretty Little Liars, and a ton of chick flicks so if you can sit down and watch those with me that will definitely make me smile!
  4. Listen: It's that simple, just listen.
  5. Be Yourself: Cause why would you want to be anyone else?  Having a relationship with someone who is being fake seems like your relationship.  So just be yourself and if it's what is right than you'll win my heart.


The Bachelorette: Week 3

So because the Bachelorette is one of my favorite TV shows and I need to blog more I thought The Bachelorette would be a great topic!  It's only the third week into the show so most things are just getting started.  I am going to outline the week and my thoughts on the guys.

One-on-One: Chris received the first one on one date of the week.  On their date they climbed up a building to eat dinner on the roof.  Emily got very nervous, but Chris was calming and confident.  At dinner Emily finds out that Chris is only 25 years old (She is 27 I believe) and is extremely surprised.  This surprise worries Emily that Chris isn't old or mature enough to get married and be a dad just yet.  Chris assure her that he is old enough and is ready to be a dad now. After dinner, they take a walk to see Luke Bryan performing.  Sounds like a perfect date for me.  Luke Bryan shows Emily's southern side!  Not sure I would have been able to focus on Chris though! The night ended with dancing and a kiss.  I really don't remember having an opinion on Chris before but I definitely like him after this week.  He seems very calm, confident, and caring!

Group Date: I am really trying to remember everyone who got to go on this date but I'm not sure.  From what I can remember there was: John, Ryan, Sean, Jef, Tony, Stevie, Charlie, and Travis.  At the beginning of the date Emily asks her girlfriends to interview her "boys" and they happily agree.  The main points of the interviews were:
  1. Ryan: The girls thought that Ryan would be a good dad.  He also had to do pushups.
  2. Travis: The girls told Travis that he needed to get rid of the egg... the result of this later to come.
  3. Sean: Sean tells the girls that he thinks that he and Emily connect on key points such as their faith.  He also thinks that he is ready for kids.
Then Emily puts the boys to another test.  Emily sends out several kids to watch the guys play with them and see how well they can handle the kids.  While they play with the kids, she talks to her girlfriends who tell her that their pick is Sean or Doug.  Later that night she talks to Sean some more who comments that her friends are "awesome".  He also tell Emily that he knows what he wants in life and love - he wants love like his parents.  Afterwards while talking to Doug Emily tells the story of his rough childhood.  Throughout the night Tony struggles with the fact that he's left his 5 year old son at home.  He doesn't know if he should continue to pursue love or go home to his son...  Emily sends him home because she is not 110 percent sure that he will be the one and does not want to put him through this any longer.  Sean receives the rose.  As of right now I have to say Sean is my number one!  He laid low the first couple weeks but this week he really got me.  He is so sweet and tell exactly what he thinks.  I was upset to see Tony go home but it was the right thing for Emily to do.  I respect her for sending him home since she wasn't sure.  Doug is another one of the good ones and I hope I only get to see him get better!

One-on-One: I guess they save the best for last with Emily and Arie being the last one-on-one date of the week.  Emily flies them to Tennessee where they go to Dollywood, a very southern amusement park.  Arie melted my heart when he wanted to play games to win Rikki a prize!  Afterwards they overcome Emily's fear of rollercoasters and ride one together.  Then Emily takes Arie down to the Celebrity Theater where Dolly Parton surprised them and sings a song just for them while they dance.  At dinner Arie tells Emily he thinks he is definitely ready for marriage and kids.  His previous relationship was with a woman that had two kids and he wanted more, which eventually led to their breakup.  Emily was mean at the end of this date and freaks Arie out before giving him the rose, but Arie got the rose! Don't worry! I have to say I think Arie is tied for first on my list!  He is definitely sweet, caring, and has let her know what he wants and that he is ready for a family.

Cocktail Party and Rose Ceremony: At the rose ceremony Emily's first order of business is to pull Kalon aside to talk.  He has rubbed me the wrong way since he landed in his helicopter on day 1!  He's got looks and money and he sure as hell knows it! Not only does he comment during the week that he is expecting the one on one date with Emily and is expecting her to go over the top for him but then he says the stupidest things at the cocktail party.  First he makes the comment that he would want his first child to be his own; basically saying he isn't really into the fact that Emily already has a daughter.  Then it gets worse.  When Emily asks him a question about what he is saying he says to her, "I love it when you talk, but I wish you'd let me finish."  That is so RUDE!  If you are going to go through this process the least you can do is be a gentleman about everything.  After that comment Emily said, "I don't like tall, funny, and condescending."  I guess every season has to have it's cocky bad guy, but I just can't stand Kalon much longer.  As if Emily's night wasn't going bad enough then she talks to Alessandro.  Alessandro is from Brazil and I didn't really understand his presence, especially after what he said to Emily.  Emily asks Alessandro how he would be as a dad and he replies that he doesn't have a lot of experience.  He also goes on to say that having a wife and daughter (Emily and Ricki) would be a compromise.  When Emily asks if he would find it as an honor he says no its a compromise because he wouldn't be able to do whatever he wanted because of them.  She immediately kicks him to the curb; she didn't even wait to rid of him at the rose ceremony. I still don't quite get why Alessandro signed up for the show.  He does know it's about finding a wife right?! But finally Sean rescues the night and tells Emily all the right things that she's been waiting to hear.  Sean tells Emily that he wants her to know that his dad has shown him how to be a great father and that he would be Ricki's father in his eyes if they got married.  Sean, my man, you just keep getting better!  Since Emily has already sent home 2 guys she only got to send home one from the rose ceremony.  I was banking on Kalon or Stevie going home and Stevie finally did!  He didn't really do anything bad, he was just kind of annoying and jealous already!

The Departed:
  1. Tony
  2. Alessandro
  3. Stevie
My Top 3 (which is really 5):
  1. Sean/Arie
  2. Doug
  3. Ryan/Chris
Next week I'll work on not being so lengthy! Oops!


Monday, May 28, 2012

A New Challenge

Now that summer is here I need to try to start blogging more! I think to kick it off I will work out a new 30 day challenge. Today I will list out the days and I will start the blogging tomorrow!

  1. Five Ways to win your heart
  2. Whats in your Purse?
  3. A book you love
  4. Bullet your whole day
  5. Things you want to say to an ex
  6. Favorite Comfort Foods & Why
  7. Five pet peeves
  8. What you ate today
  9. How important you think education is
  10. Put your music player on shuffle & write the first 10 songs that play
  11. Your family
  12. Five guys whom you find attractive
  13. Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it
  14. What you wore today
  15. Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality
  16. Something you always think "what if..." about
  17. Something that you're proud of
  18. Current Relationship
  19. List 5 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
  20. Your fears
  21. How you hope your future will be like
  22. Your academics
  23. Something that you miss
  24. Five words/phrases that make you laugh
  25. Something you're currently worrying about
  26. Things you like and dislike about yourself
  27. A quote you try to live by
  28. Somewhere you'd like to move to or visit
  29. Five weird things that you like
  30. One thing you're excited for
Also, I am not sure that I am going to blog EVERYDAY as I will be slightly busy with classes. But I'm going to try my best.  I'm also going to be blogging about other things hopefully so on those days I may skip that challenge until the next day.


Monday, May 21, 2012


Oh how excited I am for it to be summertime! Except I've only been out of school for 10 days and today was my first day back. :(  On the upside I've already been on one vacation! My mom, grandparents and I all went to Orlando for four days.  It was so much fun to spend time with the family without worrying about anything else!  I enjoyed getting away from Statesboro and all the school work.  Such a great way to start out my summer.  Also, Josh started his new big boy job on Monday and is enjoying it!
But now I am in Statesboro for the next month taking summer classes.  I decided I'd get some classes out of the way so I can graduate on time!  I'm taking Biology and International Studies through June and then term B I will take Journalism online.  Hopefully I will do as well as I did Spring semester, I made the Deans List! :)
The rest of the summer is going to be very exciting! Late June Josh and I are attending a wedding for one of Josh's friends and the next weekend is my sister's wedding! The next weekend I'm leaving to go to Washington D.C. for a week with my family.  And the remaining time will be spent moving into my new house and visiting with friends at home.  After the summer I will be starting my junior year of college! It's exciting but I feel like time is flying by and I don't want it to end anytime soon!
