Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5 Ways to Win My Heart

So I know that I already blogged today about the bachelorette but today will just have to be a double whammy!  Y'all just be glad I'm making time to do this :).

Today's Challenge is 5 ways to win my heart!

  1. Write me a handwritten love letter: I love a love letter, but whats better is when it's handwritten.  Love letters are a perfect way to pour your feelings out without forgetting anything you may have wanted to say.  They are sweet and romantic and probably a way to get into any girls heart!  Handwritten makes it just that much more romantic.  I don't like typed as much because I see that everyday with texting or email.  If you are going to type it then why not email it? There is just something about a handwritten love letter/note that just makes my heart melt.
  2. Make me a homecooked meal:  What's better than a homecooked meal? When you get to watch your sexy boyfriend cook it!  That's what!  I love to watch Josh cook me dinner.  It makes me feel so loved and I love that he can cook!  I'm not trying to be lazy by any means, but there just those days when you don't feel like cooking.  For one of our first dates Josh cooked me dinner and it was amazing!  He made me pasta with chicken, bacon, and alfredo sauce.  I loved it and was very impressed with his cooking skills!
  3. Watch "my shows" and chick flicks with me :) : These are times when I enjoy having someone to sit and cuddle with.  I love to watch One Tree Hill, The Bachelorette, Pretty Little Liars, and a ton of chick flicks so if you can sit down and watch those with me that will definitely make me smile!
  4. Listen: It's that simple, just listen.
  5. Be Yourself: Cause why would you want to be anyone else?  Having a relationship with someone who is being fake seems like your relationship.  So just be yourself and if it's what is right than you'll win my heart.


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